Doron Dymschiz
Founded Duna House Holding in 1998 with Gay Dymschiz, where he currently acts as a Board of Directors Member. The Holding at present operates the largest real estate agency network in Eastern-Central Europe with its nearly 240 branches in 3 countries, with a revenue reaching HUF 5 Billion in 2017.
In addition to franchise network operation, Duna House is also active in the fields of own branch operation, financial products and other real estate market related services, as well as property investment and residential property development projects in the region.
The Holding's Impact Asset Management Alapkezelő Plc. has established Hungary's very first open end residential property investment fund. Doron Dymschiz was born in Germany, currently lives in Budapest with his family, wife and three children.
Dr. Tamás Bulyovszky

19 years bank experience. Began working in the bank sector in 1996 as a business development manager at Creditanstalt bank.
1999 – Risk management director at HVB Bank; 2006 - Risk management director at Unicredit, and since 2010 CRO and BOARD member at Unicredit Leasing.
President of the Supervisory Board at MV Development Property Investment Fund Manager since 2016. Joined Duna House in 2016, responsible for the financing of residential property projects, and leadership of property valuation.
CEO of Impact Fund Manager Plc since August 2020.
Obtained his property expert degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Nottingham Trent University, UK in 2005.
Guy Dymschiz
Guy Dymschiz is the co-founder, managing director and later member of the executive of the Duna House company group operating since 1998.
He graduated from the Tel-Aviv University in legal studies and obtained an LL.B. degree. Following he worked for the Gissin & Keset lawyer’s office first as a lawyer-candidate later as a lawyer. Here he became an expert on the fusions and buy-outs, voting trusts and investment agreements, on the monetary and capital markets.
He founded the Duna House company group together with Doron Dymschiz in 1998, where he is a member of the executive. He was born in Germany, he lives in Budapest with his wife and his two children.
Ádám Papp

After a brief stint in property development, he has been working in real estate fund management for 18 years and has been a board member for 16 years.
He began his fund management career in 2006 at Carion Fund Management Plc., which managed the Carion Real Estate Investment Fund created for domestic professional institutional investors. By 2008, he was already a member of the board. In 2017, seeking new challenges, he became an operational board member of Editus Investment Fund Management Plc., and from 2024, he has been its CEO.
In addition to his fund management activities, he held operational management and executive positions at several real estate management companies between 2020 and 2024, successfully reconceptualizing older commercial properties.
Since 2024, he has been a board member and managing director of Impact Asset Management Fund Management Plc., part of the Duna House Group.
Supervisory Board members
Dr. Béla Varga
Dr. Bela Varga began his career at ING Bank and ING Baring Securities on corporate and investment filed, then continued at Credit Suisse First Boston in Budapest, and later in London as a European Compliance Officer. Upon returning from London continued as a founder and Board of Directors member of the voluntary welfare fund at Credit Suisse, also Compliance Officer and legal advisor for the Insurance company, Voluntary and Private Pension Fund. Later, as a lawyer, partner in the Budapest Stock Exchange legal division. Currently the leader of the law firm operating under his name.
Publications on the field of property law, securities law and corporate lay in the New ork Times, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Figyelő and Világgazdaság on a regular basis.
Balázs Kolossay
Balázs Kollosay has 8 years’ fund management experience. Worked as a lead fund manager at Raiffesisen, CIB and Credit Suisse Asset Management. In the past 6 years operates as a senior consultant on the field of investment services; has been holding professional expert trainings and seminars for consultants working in Private, Premium, Retail and brokering for 8 years. Co-founder and leader of several startup companies (ArthusFinance Kft., myClient Kft., Bankmonitor Kft.)
Has a degree in economy, CFA and EFFAS qualification.
Attila Lovas
Attila Lovas has been working on the Hungarian capital market for 22 years. Spent 11 years as head of division, and later deputy to the CEO at the Budapest Commodity Exchange, operating on the field of crop and currency futures and options. Following the union of the two exchanges, spent 5 years at the Budapest Stock Exchange as the head of trading division. Business deputy to the CEO of Diákhitel Központ Ltd. since 2010.
Has a degree in electrical engineering, and EFFAS investment analysis. Registered securities market, futures and options broker. Qualified asset, fund and portfolio manager.